Travel Blogs

Safety Tips For Europe

Safety Tips For Europe

Traveling is one of life’s greatest pleasures – it’s a chance to explore new cultures, meet new people, and create unforgettable memories. However, it’s important to keep safety in mind while you wander the streets of unfamiliar cities. One of the most common issues that travelers face is pickpocketing, especially in busy European cities. Here are some tips to help you stay safe and avoid becoming a victim:

  • Stay alert and aware of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for anyone who seems sketchy or suspicious, and be mindful of your bags and belongings at all times.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuables with you. Instead, use a money belt or secure pouch that you can keep close to your body.
  • Use common sense when it comes to your belongings. Don’t leave your bags unattended, and keep your phone and wallet in a secure pocket or bag.
  • Be cautious in crowded areas, such as markets or public transportation. These are prime spots for pickpockets, so keep your belongings close and be extra vigilant.
  • Watch your phone and wallet at all times. Never leave it on a table while eating. Be vigilant of anyone coming to talk to you and keep an eye on your things at all times. 
  • Never leave your purse or bag hanging on the back of a chair, inside or outdoors. Keep the purse either crossbody or with you, Never leave it under the table either.
  • Watch for children or anyone who is trying to distract you. Even children can be trained, master pick pockets.
  • Dress inconspicuously. Wearing flashy clothing or displaying expensive belongings can make you a target, so try to blend in with the locals as much as possible.
  • Stay in well-lit, populated areas. Avoid dark, deserted streets and alleys, especially at night.
Remember, the key to staying safe while traveling is to stay vigilant and use common sense. By taking these precautions and being mindful of your surroundings, you can have a worry-free and enjoyable trip.

Please note, this is not intended to alarm you, just to keep you safe and aware!

Be safe!

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Tips For Haggling In Turkey

Tips For Haggling In Turkey
  1. Start with a smile and a friendly greeting. It’s important to establish a friendly rapport with the vendor before you start bargaining.
    Do your research. Before you go to the market, research the items you are interested in buying to get an idea of their fair market value. This way, you’ll have an idea of what you should be paying and what a reasonable starting price might be.
  2. Don’t be afraid to bargain. Bargaining is a common and expected practice in Turkish markets, so don’t be afraid to negotiate a lower price.
  3. Start with a low offer. When you find an item you want to buy, start by offering a price that is significantly lower than the asking price. This will give you room to negotiate and will likely result in a lower final price.
  4. Be respectful. While bargaining, it’s important to be respectful and courteous. Avoid using aggressive or confrontational language and try to find a compromise that works for both you and the vendor.
    Consider buying multiple items. If you’re interested in buying multiple items from the same vendor, try to negotiate a discount on the total price.
  5. Know when to walk away. If you can’t reach an agreement on a price, it’s okay to walk away. There are often many vendors selling similar items, so you may be able to find a better deal elsewhere.
    Have fun!

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Part 2 – How Another Chance Meeting Changed My Life

Part 2 – How Another Chance Meeting Changed My Life

Part 2 – another TRUE STORY ABOUT A CHANCE MEETING THAT CHANGED MY LIFE…. Paul and I met in an online Facebook group during Covid Lockdown 2020, while attending Tony Robbins “Unleash the Power Within” virtual summit.

At that time, my entire travel business which had just started to take off, completely collapsed. I was feeling numb, in a panic and wanting to figure out how I could keep the passion for travel alive while spending months on end cancelling hundreds of client bookings and without actually being able to sell any trips or go anywhere. I had an idea for a course/e-book I wanted to write inspiring people to travel and to show how life-changing it can be, way above and beyond just a “vacation”. 

Paul and I worked together on zoom calls to structure my ideas. He is an amazing course content creator (that’s his job in real life!) and he not only mentored me but encouraged and pushed me. The e-book outline was done but it needed a lot of work. 

As things began to return to a little more “normal”, I spent most of the second half of 2020 and all of 2021 traveling around the world (wherever was “open”) and doing lots of site inspections, research trips and checking out lots of resorts, ships and cruise lines. In the meantime, my e-book was cast into the bottom of my ICloud file barrel and left mostly abandoned. 

Ironically December 2021 when I was back traveling again with a client group, at the end of our idyllic trip to Tahiti, I tested positive with Covid and was unable to travel back home for 14 days. Completely asymptomatic yet continuing to test positive, I was blessed to be “stuck” in paradise!! 

Paul messaged me and in no uncertain terms told me that NOW was the time to stop the excuses and get back to working on my e-book. So, sitting in paradise with my gorgeous balcony view and the waves crashing beneath me, I took my iPad (because of course, this was a one trip where I had left my laptop behind trying to take a rare “vacation”!) and got to work writing and embellishing my thoughts into chapters. Solely, thanks to Paul and his “bullying”, the e-book was finally written! 

Since then, Paul and I both ironically ended up relocating to South Florida (he from North Carolina and I from Pennsylvania). We were finally able to meet up in person for the first time a few months ago and have since been able to catch up for some happy hours! We both like to brainstorm a lot with our ideas. He has been invaluable helping me with all the behind-the-scenes stuff such as ISBN numbers (so the book is registered with the Library of Congress) and all of the formatting and technical stuff to get the book ready for publishing. 

This past week we met for Happy Hour and celebrated our upcoming projects. Paul has come up with an amazing new business plan relating to geocaching ( AND MY BOOK IS NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON!

“Make your Bucket List a Reality” is now published and available on Amazon


Thank you, Paul Stryer. This would never have happened without you!! ( #upintheairclaire #islandgirltravelandvacations #grateful #makelifehappen 

#bucketlist #bucketlisttravel #bucketlistadventures



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Should I Take A Galapagos Trip By Ocean Or On Land?

galapagos, island, ecuador-2451090.jpg

The decision to take a Galapagos trip by ocean or on land ultimately depends on your personal preferences and priorities.

The decision to take a Galapagos trip by ocean or on land ultimately depends on your personal preferences and priorities.

If you want to experience the islands’ unique wildlife and landscapes up close, a land-based trip might be the better option. This way, you can explore different islands and ecosystems on foot or by bike, and engage with local communities.

If you prefer a more immersive and adventurous experience, an ocean-based trip may be more suitable. This way, you can explore the islands by boat and visit more remote locations, while also participating in water-based activities like snorkeling, diving, and kayaking.

Consider your interests, budget, and any potential sea-sickness before making a decision, and do your research on the available options to find the best fit for you.

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A True Story About How A Chance Meeting Can Change Your Life…

A True Story About How A Chance Meeting Can Change Your Life…

A TRUE STORY ABOUT HOW A CHANCE MEETING CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE….11 years ago I was on a once-in-a lifetime, Bucket List trip to Borneo, Malaysia; Bali, Indonesia and Singapore.

At the time, my heart had been broken and I was completely lost and devastated. I took this trip to “find” myself. Kind of an Eat, Pray, Love trip lol. On this trip, I happened to meet a super fun, outgoing British girl who reminded me a lot of my “happier” self. Anna and I hung out and spent a couple of days exploring together. We went our separate ways but always kept in touch over the years, as she pursued her passion of trekking in the Nepal and eventually meeting her husband in the Himalayas; living in New Zealand and then moving to France where she lives now. I remember back at that time, she told me she had an idea to start up a travel business, planning trips for people. I thought it was a cool idea but that honestly, she was a little crazy for thinking that could really work (LOL!!)

Flash forward 11 years to a couple of months ago and Anna reached out telling me about her new consulting business, asking if I may have any referrals for her. We got to talking and now 3 months later, Anna has been the godsend that I was looking for , doing an INCREDIBLE job of helping me fully edit my upcoming new book and working on some exciting projects for me. I am so beyond grateful for Anna and everything she is getting done for me! If anyone needs a copywriter, project manager and all-around whizz of a consultant, I can’t recommend her highly enough!

So exciting and amazing how this has come around full circle. Now I am the crazy one with the travel business and Anna is helping me with the book that was in part inspired by that heartbroken trip where we met!. “Make your Bucket List a Reality” is now published and available on Amazon


 #upintheairclaire #grateful #truestory #inspiration #friendsforlife #author 




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10 Best Reasons To Use Quark Expeditions For Antarctica

10 Best Reasons To Use Quark Expeditions For Antarctica
  1. Expertise: Quark Expeditions is a leading provider of polar adventures, with over 30 years of experience in the industry.
  2. Variety of itineraries: Quark offers a wide range of itineraries to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your interests and travel style.
  3. Quality ships: Quark’s ships are designed specifically for polar expeditions, with features like ice-strengthened hulls, zodiacs, and outdoor hot tubs.
  4. Experienced crew: The ships are staffed by experienced crew members, including polar guides, naturalists, and photographers, who can help you get the most out of your experience.
  5. Polar wildlife: Antarctica is home to an incredible array of wildlife, including penguins, whales, seals, and more. Quark’s itineraries are designed to take you to the best spots to see these animals in their natural habitats.
  6. Scenic beauty: Antarctica is one of the most beautiful places on earth, and Quark’s itineraries will take you to some of its most breathtaking vistas.
  7. Adventure activities: Quark offers a variety of adventure activities, such as kayaking, camping, snowshoeing, and more, allowing you to truly immerse yourself in the polar environment.
  8. Focus on sustainability: Quark is committed to responsible and sustainable tourism, and operates its expeditions with the utmost respect for the polar environment.
  9. Educational opportunities: Quark’s expeditions are not just about sightseeing, they are also educational experiences. The naturalists and guides on board will provide insights and information about the history, culture, and ecology of the polar regions.
  10. Unforgettable experiences: Whether you are a seasoned traveler or a first-timer, a Quark Expedition to Antarctica is sure to be an unforgettable experience that you will cherish for a lifetime.

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Mindset Hacks And The Importance Of Your Choices

Mindset Hacks And The Importance Of Your Choices

We all choose our own identity, whether we see ourselves as one of life’s “unlucky” ones or as positive and successful.

We all choose our own identity, whether we see ourselves as one of life’s “unlucky” ones or as positive and successful. 

It’s all about your MINDSET and what you believe about yourself. 

Shifting your perspective can radically alter the track of your life, the opportunities available to you and how big those dreams are. 

Sometimes we’re so used to hearing the stories about our “identity” from other people that we believe it ourselves (“you’re not good enough”; “you’ll never do that”). 

For years I was drilled my family members that I needed to get a “proper job” – meaning sit in an office 9 to 5… work in a bank etc. 

At the time I actually had corporate jobs which involved lots of travel, but apparently didn’t count as “proper jobs”because I wasn’t sitting at a desk all day. 

The thought that I could ever be an entrepreneur and start my own business was just something I always dreamed about, but never believed could ever happen. 

Even now, I still get regular comments from some family members doubting my choices  

Once we block that noise and CHOOSE what we believe, follow our own heart and passion, then huge changes happen! 

There’s more about this in my book, too. 

Make your Bucket List Trip a Reality: Find new life purpose, joy and positivity through travel

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Best Travel Tips For Long Flights

Best Travel Tips For Long Flights

I fly over 100,000 miles each year and have done for many years. Of course, I have lots of tips and tricks I use when I fly. Here are some of my personal secrets…


  • WEAR COMFORTABLE CLOTHES – loose-fitting, comfortable clothes are best for long flights. A lightweight hoodie is a good idea as planes can get cold with the AC, especially overnight flights. I always recommend a light scarf or wrap which can be used as an extra pillow/eye-cover/warm layer. Also good for emergencies in case of accidental spills!
  • FLIGHT ESSENTIALS – these can help with making your flight a little more comfortable:
  • EYE MASK – Shutting out lights -it’s scientifically proven that people sleep better in total darkness.
  • HEADPHONES – for watching movies, listening to music, shutting out crying babies etc. Highly recommend NOISE-CANCELLATION headphones (charge them or bring batteries!). My personal favorites are BOSE QUIET COMFORT (I have had mine for over 17 years – great investment!)
  • EAR PLUGS – as above, to shut out noise when sleeping
  • MOISTURIZER (travel size) + CHAPSTICK – because it gets dry on the plane.
  • SNACKS – not too salty to prevent dehydration.
  • WATER BOTTLE – collapsible silicone styles are best as they fold up for storage and are refillable
  • TRAVEL TOOTHBRUSH AND TOOTHPASTE – it’s nice for an overnight flight 🙂
  • ESSENTIAL OIL – I like a little dab of lavender to calm and help with sleep
  • TRAVEL SIZE FACE WASH – nice for freshening up on overnight flightsHYDRATE


The air on planes and at high elevations is very dry so it is easy to become dehydrated. I recommend drinking a lot of water before and during the flight.

It’s best to avoid alcohol and soda on overnight and long flights.


You may want to talk to your doctor about getting a sleep aid for the overnight flight, or if you are an anxious traveler. For a more restful sleep, melatonin or a couple of Tylenol PM can help. Alcohol usually disturbs sleep so it’s best to avoid drinking in excess. PLEASE NOTE – THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS SUCH! CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR!


I always bring my iPad with Netflix already downloaded and ready to watch. If you like to read, download some books before you travel. There are movies and entertainment on the flights but I always like to bring my own too. For kids, games are a good idea – and always make sure you have charging cables. Most of the long haul flights have USB chargers or plug sockets for each seat.


Make sure to put your phone and devices into airplane mode! You don’t want to arrive with no battery charge left!

7. EXTRA CLOTHES – It’s always a good idea to carry some clean underwear, socks and a light change of clothes. Sometimes luggage is delayed; sometimes you just want to feel fresh after a long flight!


The moment you land, set your watch to the time zone. Base your schedule in the plane off of that. For example, if it is daytime in that location you are traveling to, try to stay awake until it is bedtime in that location. This will help you adapt to the local time faster. 

Safe travels! – Claire

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Aruba For A Week

Aruba For A Week
  1. Relax on the beach: Aruba is known for its beautiful beaches, such as Eagle Beach, Palm Beach and Baby Beach. I would spend some time soaking up the sun and swimming in the crystal-clear waters.
  2. Snorkeling and diving: Aruba’s waters are home to a variety of marine life, such as colorful fish and coral reefs, I would go snorkeling or diving to explore the underwater world.
  3. Explore Arikok National Park: This natural reserve covers nearly 20% of the island and offers a variety of outdoor activities such as hiking, bird watching, and rock climbing.
  4. Visit the capital city Oranjestad: Oranjestad is the capital and largest city of Aruba, I would take a stroll through the city’s historic center and visit the Willem III Tower and the Fort Zoutman.
  5. Try local cuisine: Aruba offers a variety of delicious Caribbean and international cuisine. I would indulge in traditional dishes such as keshi yena and funchi, and seafood such as red snapper and lobster.
  6. Take a boat trip: Aruba offers a variety of boat trips, including sunset cruises, snorkeling trips, and island-hopping excursions to nearby islands such as Curaçao and Bonaire.
  7. Visit the California Lighthouse: This lighthouse is located on the northwest tip of the island and offers stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and the surrounding area.
  8. Go shopping: Aruba offers a variety of shops, from local markets to high-end boutiques, where you can find a variety of souvenirs and local crafts.
  9. Visit the Natural Bridge: One of Aruba’s most famous natural landmarks, the Natural Bridge is a limestone arch that once stood over the sea but collapsed in 2005, now it’s a great spot to take a picture and admire the views.

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An Antarctica Cruise

An Antarctica Cruise

An Antarctica cruise is a unique and once-in-a-lifetime experience that offers the opportunity to explore one of the most remote and pristine regions of the world. Here is what you can expect on an Antarctica cruise:

  1. Wildlife: Antarctica is home to a wide variety of wildlife, such as penguins, seals, and whales. You can expect to see many of these animals in their natural habitat during your cruise.
  2. Scenic landscapes: Antarctica is known for its breathtaking landscapes, including glaciers, ice shelves, and snow-capped mountains. You can expect to see some of the most stunning natural scenery in the world.
  3. Cold temperatures: Antarctica is one of the coldest places on Earth, so be prepared for extremely low temperatures, even during the summer months. Pack warm clothing and a good quality jacket.
  4. Zodiac excursions: Many cruises offer zodiac excursions, which are inflatable boats that take you closer to the shore and allow you to explore the coastline and wildlife up close.
  5. Landings and activities: Some cruises offer landings and activities such as camping, kayaking, and mountaineering. These activities are weather dependent and only available during certain times of the year, usually November to March.
  6. Limited facilities: Most ships have limited facilities, so don’t expect the same level of amenities and services as you would on a typical cruise.
  7. Limited connectivity: Internet and phone connectivity can be very limited or not available at all in Antarctica.
  8. Environmental regulations: Antarctica is a protected area and there are strict regulations in place to minimize human impact on the environment, it’s important to follow the instructions and guidelines provided by the cruise operator.
  9. Safety: Keep in mind that you will be in one of the most remote and harsh environments on the planet, so safety is a top priority. Your cruise operator will provide guidelines for staying safe on board and during shore excursions.
  10. Expedition style cruising: An Antarctica cruise is not your typical cruise, it’s more like an expedition, and the focus is on exploration and discovery rather than entertainment and relaxation.

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