Part 2 – How Another Chance Meeting Changed My Life

Part 2 – How Another Chance Meeting Changed My Life

Part 2 – another TRUE STORY ABOUT A CHANCE MEETING THAT CHANGED MY LIFE…. Paul and I met in an online Facebook group during Covid Lockdown 2020, while attending Tony Robbins “Unleash the Power Within” virtual summit.

At that time, my entire travel business which had just started to take off, completely collapsed. I was feeling numb, in a panic and wanting to figure out how I could keep the passion for travel alive while spending months on end cancelling hundreds of client bookings and without actually being able to sell any trips or go anywhere. I had an idea for a course/e-book I wanted to write inspiring people to travel and to show how life-changing it can be, way above and beyond just a “vacation”. 

Paul and I worked together on zoom calls to structure my ideas. He is an amazing course content creator (that’s his job in real life!) and he not only mentored me but encouraged and pushed me. The e-book outline was done but it needed a lot of work. 

As things began to return to a little more “normal”, I spent most of the second half of 2020 and all of 2021 traveling around the world (wherever was “open”) and doing lots of site inspections, research trips and checking out lots of resorts, ships and cruise lines. In the meantime, my e-book was cast into the bottom of my ICloud file barrel and left mostly abandoned. 

Ironically December 2021 when I was back traveling again with a client group, at the end of our idyllic trip to Tahiti, I tested positive with Covid and was unable to travel back home for 14 days. Completely asymptomatic yet continuing to test positive, I was blessed to be “stuck” in paradise!! 

Paul messaged me and in no uncertain terms told me that NOW was the time to stop the excuses and get back to working on my e-book. So, sitting in paradise with my gorgeous balcony view and the waves crashing beneath me, I took my iPad (because of course, this was a one trip where I had left my laptop behind trying to take a rare “vacation”!) and got to work writing and embellishing my thoughts into chapters. Solely, thanks to Paul and his “bullying”, the e-book was finally written! 

Since then, Paul and I both ironically ended up relocating to South Florida (he from North Carolina and I from Pennsylvania). We were finally able to meet up in person for the first time a few months ago and have since been able to catch up for some happy hours! We both like to brainstorm a lot with our ideas. He has been invaluable helping me with all the behind-the-scenes stuff such as ISBN numbers (so the book is registered with the Library of Congress) and all of the formatting and technical stuff to get the book ready for publishing. 

This past week we met for Happy Hour and celebrated our upcoming projects. Paul has come up with an amazing new business plan relating to geocaching ( AND MY BOOK IS NOW PUBLISHED ON AMAZON!

“Make your Bucket List a Reality” is now published and available on Amazon


Thank you, Paul Stryer. This would never have happened without you!! ( #upintheairclaire #islandgirltravelandvacations #grateful #makelifehappen 

#bucketlist #bucketlisttravel #bucketlistadventures



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